Galle fort Sri Lanka,A world Heritage Site

This fort was first built by the portugese on the southern coast of sri lanka.And it is also known as the Dutch fort.The initial fortifications,which were done in the late 16th century,were quite basic.However in the 17 th century,Dutch did many modifications making this fort.One of the most important archaeological,architectural and historic monuments to illustrate the European influence in the south east asia between 16-19th centuries.After that according to a statement of UNESCO this site was recognized as a world heritage site for its unique exposition of an urban ensemble which illustrates the interation of European architecture and south Asian traditions from the 16th to the 19th centuries.


The history of galle trace backto the 2ndcentury AD and it is mentioned in ptolemy’s world map.

Galle port was a busy port at that time and it was used to trade with the powerful countries such Greece,Arabia and China.

Galle is also mentioned in the records of the 6th century traveller Cosmas Indicopleustes as a port of call of the ship Levant during his visit to Sri lanka.

And also Galle was mentioned in the records of one of the famous traveller Ibn Batuta whi lived in the 14th century and he had passed through that port on his visit to Sri Pada and Tenavaram temple of Sri lanka.

Galle is the place where the Portugese made their initial landing in 1505 in Sri Lanka

Portugese spreaded their power along the coastal region and they moved to Colombo.But again they had to fallback to the galle fort again with the attack did by the Sitawakan king Rajasingha 1.

The fort fell in to the hands of Dutch after their combined attack along with the Sinhalese king of that time king Rajasingha 11.

Dutch Era

In 1640 the dutch landed with about 2500 men and captured and captured the Galee fort from Portugese.

Dutch used Galle fort as their main base and made fortifications to improve the fort until the  early 18th century.

Inside the fort there were protestunt church,the cammander’s residence,a gun house and arsenal,public administration buldings,residential quarters,warehousesbusiness structures,buildings for trade and defence such as smithy,carpenter’s workshop,rope makers workshop and etc.

The protestant church was built,ironicallyenough,with baroque architecture which was used to establish and show off the dominance of catholism.

The Dutch lost the fort to the british in 1796 a week after the capture of Colombo.As the british used Colombo as their main base, they paid little attention to galle and the importance of the fort declined with the passing of time.

Galle fort structure

Portugese structure

The structure of Portugese was very basic and made of mud and surrounded by palisade or stake walls.There were three bastions and asingle rampart.The seawall did not exist as they considered the seaward and impregnable.Dutch renovations,structure and reconstructionThen Dutch took over the fort,they understood the defences are very low in the old fortifications.They encircled the entire peninsula with strong fortifications to defend themselves against colonial attacks.They built walls with coral reefs and these walls are taller than before.There were 14 bastions built over an era of 130 acres.They created a town inside the fort and built a well planned grid layout.The roads close to the outer edge of the city were built parallel to the fort ramparts,allowing for easier acces for defence in case of an attack or breach.


After the fort captured by british in 1796,they used it as their southern headquarters and did many changes.The sealing of the moat,construction of houses and a lighthouse at the bastions ultretch are among them.And also they strengthened the fort during world war 11.

Present look

The fort has two major gates,both huge portcullises.The porticullises that forms the first gate of entry from the port is inscribed with the year ANNO MDCLXIX as well as the image of the dutch coat of arms,the rooster,lion insignia and also the inscription VOC

The main gate of the fort in the north side towards the land is heavily fortified.The old gate with its british and dutch inscription can be seen if a visitor walks in a clockwise direction along the wall from the main gate.And the lighthouse was built in 1938.

Important Monuments

The dutch reformed church which was built in 1640 with its historic belfry built in 1707.The bell rang every hour in its hayday.

And the building used by the dutch governer and the staff in 1865 was converted to new orient hotel.

The all Saints Angilican church

The temple near to the Portugese roman catholic church.